The news continued to look good. Once Bean was started on the insulin, he rapidly improved and filled out.
Wednesday, August 20th I wrote:
And Odds and EndsThat evening I returned to the hospital:
Bean is now dressed in a little onsie since he doesn't have many tubes or wires in the way.
His cord came off yesterday morning. Yay!
There is rumor that they want to transfer him to the children's unit one floor down. On this floor the nurses are trained to handle diabetic children. Also the NICU is getting more sick babies in and want to move the less sick babies out. Currently there are still beds available in the NICU and none on the floor below. Dr. Z and Dr. C are both very much against transferring him, and are fighting to keep him. Dr. Z contends that the doctors on the floor below may not want to continue down the same treatment path using the sulfonylureas (it is new and a there isn't a lot of research on it), they don't know his case history well and have not done the research the docs on the NICU have done and this may delay treatment, plus his blood sugars still are not stable. I think she may want to keep him too, because his case interests her and she would like to see it resolved. I found out that she's read hours of articles each night on his particular condition, and I think she is loathe to not see him through to the end. We'll see what happens. I kind of hope he stays as well.
Since he is doing so much better, he now shares a nurse with another bed and has for the past few days. Just another sign that he is getter more stable, anyways.
His oxygen levels still dip up and down, but not wildly so. He is on a minimal amount of oxygen. They did an echocardiogram yesterday, and the results are a normal looking heart, but one of the fetal shunts hasn't completely closed off yet.
They are still trying to track down a geneticist who would know what labs to draw and where to send them. Either the labs would show what the problem was, or it would eliminate some possibilities...
Poor Baby!
When I came up to see Bean, he was crying in his bed. I picked him up and bounced and talked to him. His nurse came in and said that the poor little guy was starving. She'd just now received his insulin. Apparently he'd last eaten at 3:00 and it was now 8:00! They are now doing ad-lib feedings (on demand) and he woke up hungry right at shift change so everything took much longer. Poor hungry baby!
He is gaining weight like a champ though. He weighed in at 2710 grams or 5 lbs 15.5 oz. Back to his birth weight!
Tonight I bathed him in the tub. He wasn't too sure what to think of that, but he was pretty sure he didn't like it. Except for washing his head at the end. He did like that.
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